One of the group members of my current writers' group suggested I try this blog space to see what I thought. Little did I know that in order to fool around with its layout, I needed a name for the blog itself. Our group can't come up with a name for the group and I have to find a name for the blog?
I'm editing a manuscript I wrote awhile ago, and everyone hated my past title,
Wyvern, saying it sounded like fantasy. Others just thought it didn't fit. So I was looking for a title for this book as well, and the name that I favored was Man in the Middle.
Really, when I had to pick a title for this blog, I wasn't thinking of my recent title choice. My first choice was Middle Writer, due to the fact that we live more or less in the middle of the country, some people might consider us of middle age, a few of us write YA, and most of us write in the middle between literary/mainstream/genre. And at this point we might be considered middling successful. Also, as I volunteered to be the primary blogger since I have the most free time, I felt like I'd be in the middle, too. Hence, the off-the-cuff choice of the word middle. I suppose Middle Writer also riffed on "Paperback Writer," but when that wasn't available, Writer in the Middle seemed like the likely next choice.
How convenient that it could reflect my next query project.
And now I'm in the middle of a new beginning, blogging. Hope you will enjoy some of the topics we've brainstormed and will read along with us.
All we need to get started is a group name.